Monday, December 7, 2020

Jesus Came to Save Everyone

 Matthew 4:25

Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him.

This is the very beginning of Jesus' ministry when he was living in Capernaum.  Jesus did begin by preaching to the Jews, but the news of the miracles he was performing couldn't be contained.  News about him spread all over the region surrounding Galilee.  This shouldn't surprise us.  From the beginning of Jesus' human life we see Jews and Gentiles worshipping him.

On the night he was born shepherds from Bethlehem came and worshipped him.  Some time later, maybe as much as eighteen months later, a group of noblemen from the east (probably from Persia or Babylon) came to worship him. These men were not Jews.

From Jesus' life and ministry, we see very clearly that he came to redeem all people from all their sins, not just a select few.  He came to fulfill God's promise to Abraham that all nations would be blessed through him.  Through faith in Jesus we are all Abraham's children.  Through faith in Jesus, we are all God's children.

That is the great Christmas present that our Heavenly Father has given all of us: Redemption from our sins.  Receive it gladly and say, "Thank you."  Don't damn yourself by rejecting his gift because it's not exactly what you had in mind.  God wants all to be saved.  He loves you!  Your life matters.

God bless.
Jason Fredrick