Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Prove It!

Matthew 16:4

"A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah."  Jesus then left them and went away.

"Prove it."  That's what we tell people when they tell us something unbelievable.  This is also the trouble that the Pharisees and Sadducees had with Jesus.  

They didn't believe that He was the Son God, even though He had performed many miracles.  Every time they confronted Him about anything, they wanted Him to do another one on-demand to prove it to them.  The problem was, every time Jesus did a miracle in their presence they would make false accusations against Him.  They got mad when He did miracles on the Sabbath.  They accused Him of being from satan when He drove demons out of people.  No sign would convince them.  That's why Jesus said that no sign would be given to them, except for His resurrection.  And they didn't believe that either, instead they tried to cover up that it actually happened.

Guess what, this generation is no less wicked and adulterous than that generation.  People today are still demanding proof, but all the proof in the world won't convince them.  They think they are being smart by demanding more proof, "Show me something else."  Just like the Pharisees and Sadducees, everyone today has all the proof that they need- God's Word.  If people won't listen to the Gospel, you aren't going to convince them of anything.  You aren't smarter than God.  The Holy Spirit doesn't work through your word, He works through God's Word.

I love apologetics, but apologetics don't bring people to faith.  Apologetics can help start a conversation or break down someone's false beliefs, but they don't convert anyone.  Apologetics only opens the door so you can share the Gospel of Jesus with them.  If you never get to God's Word in your conversation you can be assured that you did not win a soul for Christ.  The Bible is very clear about this:  the Holy Spirit only works faith through God's Word and the Sacraments (Baptism and Communion).  You will never argue anyone into believing in Jesus.

I love how Jesus shows His immense grace to the Pharisees and Sadducees.  As long as they kept coming back to Him and asking questions, He kept sharing the truth with them.  He continued to give them chance after chance to repent of their sins and turn to Him.  Sadly, they continued to harden their hearts and many of them are in hell today, but your adversaries aren't yet.  They are still in their time of grace.  So don't give up on them.  As long as they will dialogue with you about spiritual matters, keep the conversation going.  Keep feeding them God's Word at every opportunity and then trust the Holy Spirit to work how He will.  God has promised that His Word will not return to Him empty.

God bless
Jason Fredrick

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