Monday, February 3, 2020

Quote of the Week: Letters to the Church

Part of my responsibility as a good dad is to make sure I raise my kids in such a way that they are capable of leaving my home to start their own... This should be the goal of every pastor as well.  If we are not careful, we end up with people who have been sitting in churches for years and complaining they aren't being fed to their liking.  This is the same kind of dysfunction as a thirty-year-old complaining about his mom's cooking.  The goal of a good pastor is to raise up good pastors.

While many pastors boast of how many children sit under their care, doesn't it make more sense to boast of how many have graduated from their care?  Isn't it more a sign of failure when children are unable to leave the house?  Raising thousands of consumers is not success.
(Letters to the Church, Francis Chan, pp. 118-120)

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