Monday, January 6, 2020

Quote of the Week: Letters to the Church

Don't you see the weirdness in calling people CHRISTian when they aren't servants?  I know we can't force people to serve, but there has to be something we can do.  No team puts up with players who refuse to contribute.  No army puts up with soldiers who don't carry their own weight.  Why do churches continue to put up with Christians who refuse to serve?  Why don't we treat selfishness as a sin that needs to be confronted?  If Scripture commands us to serve one another, isn't it a bit strange that we give people a free pass?...
We confront sexual immorality in our churches because we are commanded to live holy lives.  The adulterous person does not represent Christ well.  But neither does the consumer.  It's a sin that has to be confronted if we want to give the world an accurate representation of the body of Christ.  And if we really love our brothers and sisters, shouldn't we be encouraging them to repent?
(Letters to the Church, Francis Chan, pp. 97-98)

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