Monday, August 12, 2013

True Learning

Are you like me, in that you really love the learning process?  I can't get enough of it.  I am truly addicted to learning.  I love reading, I love listening to audios on various topics, and my greatest love of all is teaching.  There are few challenges greater than trying to inspire a group of people, of any age, to truly want to learn and educate themselves.

I believe that there are only two ways to really learn something:  1. Apply the new information in your life.  2. Teach it to someone else.

Applying new information into your own life has to be the first step.  If you're not doing what you're teaching you are a hypocrite and only a theorist.  After all, what's the point of gathering new information if you're not going to do anything with it.  You'll only sound smart until people take a closer look at your life.  The application process is really where learning begins.  It's when you start applying that new information into your life that you really begin to understand what the books and Cd's are trying to teach you. You'll fail at first.  Since you're doing something new and uncomfortable your words won't come out quite right and your timing probably won't be that great, either.  But if you have the courage to keep at it, you will get better.  Your life will improve as you hone that skill and continue to practice it.

Teaching is the ultimate in learning.  Teaching always reveals to me how much more I have to learn on a given subject, as well as how much I need to improve my communication and presentation skills.  No matter how well I think I know a subject, teaching it always reveals areas for improvement.  My favorite part of teaching is sharing knowledge and information with people who are hungry to learn and grow.  I have never had a teaching session where I didn't learn as much from the students as they learned from me.  I love how their questions force me to think and evaluate my own thoughts- why do I think the way I think?  I strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of every teachable moment that presents itself throughout your week. Sometimes you'll be the teacher, sometimes you'll be the student.  Be prepared to be whichever the situation calls for, many times you'll probably be both.

God bless
Jason Fredrick

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Developing Young Leaders

Listen to this Article

I believe most parents truly want their children to grow up and do something great with their life.  The question I have for parents is:  Are you?

Are you living, and pursuing, your God-given purpose every day?
Are you striving to learn and grow every day?
Are you reading every day?

If you want your children to grow into leaders, the world-shapers, of tomorrow, you need to be setting the example at home.  Do your children ever see you reading a leadership book?  If you haven't taken responsibility for your own education, your children will most likely follow your lead as they grow up.  "Do as I say, not as I do," is not leadership.  What you do will be duplicated, especially by your children.

The biggest failure I see in education today, is PARENTS.  Parents seem to want to turn their kids over to someone else, and wash their hands of the responsibility for their child's education.  Schools are programming centers.  Very few schools in our country actually educate.  They focus on teaching what to think, not how to think.  "How" to think is much more important.  Your children will not receive that kind of education at a conveyor-belt school.

As a parent, if you are not plugged into a Leadership Education yourself, your children are more likely to grow up to be part of the masses- not one of the leaders.  It is essential to your child's growth and development to see his parents constantly striving to get better; to learn and grow daily, working hard to really live their mission in life.  If you aren't already, I would strongly encourage you to get started on your leadership education.  You are worth it.  Your children and this generation desperately need it.  We need you to courageously grow your leadership-ability.

If God blessed you with the gift of children, He has also blessed you with the responsibility of leadership.  Will you answer that call?

God bless
Jason Fredrick

Friday, August 2, 2013

New Financial Program

We are now utilizing the Financial Fitness program from LIFE Leadership to help people take control of their finances.  I believe that this is the most comprehensive financial program available anywhere. Woodward and Brady thoroughly cover the offense, defense, and playing field of personal finances.  LIFE Leadership also offers many ways to continue your financial education once you have successfully worked your way through the program.

You can also receive access to the Financial Fitness program by subscribing to the LIFE Leadership Super app.

Jason Fredrick