Friday, March 8, 2013

What is a Leadership Education?

A leadership education is a self-directed education.  It is a process of educating yourself utilizing a system of books, audios, dvd's, and a mentor/guide.  You might be thinking, "If I have a mentor or a guide, then how is it 'self-directed'?"

The mentor/guide is simply that.  The mentor gives feedback to allow you to make sure you're headed in the right direction.  He helps to make sure that you stay focused in the spot that is going to give you the best return for your time.  The biggest job of the mentor is to help you get started. Starting anything is always the most challenging.  That's where the most time and energy will be wasted if you have to figure it out for yourself.

A good mentor can also help you define your goal, and then put together a game plan to help you achieve that goal.  That is ultimately the purpose of a self-directed leadership education.

I am committed to helping you make your dreams come true.  Contact me and let's get started.

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